TMD symptoms may include:
1. Headaches, migraines or tension headaches
2. Worn or loose teeth
3. Painful muscles in the neck and shoulders (muscle spasms)
4. Pain behind the eyes.
5. Clicking and popping of the jaw joint (TMJ)
6. Locked jaw or restriction in opening or closing the mouth
7. Earaches or a clogging feeling in the ears
8. Tingling or numbness in the hands and the fingertips
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, please call our office and we will be happy to discuss your symptoms, and talk about the possible treatments available for your situation.

If you suffer from frequent head or facial pain, an incorrect bite may be the cause due to constant cranial muscle strain. Headaches from dental stress are a type of muscle tension headache. A tension headache may be on one or both sides of your head and feels like a dull, non-throbbing ache that can usually be relieved by aspirin.
When you swallow, your upper and lower jaw muscles must hold your jaw firmly against the skull. Between swallowing over 2,000 times a day and a poorly aligned bite, the jaw muscles can overwork causing muscle strain which in turn leads to a headache. People who suffer from migraine pain and chronic headaches clench their jaws in a balanced, centered position. This causes extremely intense muscular contraction, but little strain on the jaw. Nighttime jaw clenching usually goes unnoticed but it sets the stage for migraine pain and chronic headache pain.
Posture and your bite are closely related. One affects the other involving muscles in the neck, back, pelvis, and legs.
Poor posture can place unnecessary wear and tear on your joints and cause your muscles to suffer. Your teeth are what determine how your bite goes together. Your bite then determines the position of your jaw, and in turn, the position of your head on your spine.
The teeth are part of your skeletal system and if/when improperly aligns, there is often a compensating effect on the rest of your body. The human body will adjust itself, involving the muscles in the neck, back, and even those of the pelvis, legs, and feet. Most postural problems can be improved at any age, yet the longer the problem exists, the more difficult it will be to correct.
Symptoms of a poorly postured bite include:
- Numbing or tingling sensation in the hand
- Pain in the jaw, head, neck, shoulders, back
- Difficulty clearing the ears
- One shoulder being higher than the other
- Breast bone muscles feel tender to the touch- Pant legs must be hemmed to different lengths
- Heels wear unevenly